About Us

E7 was born in 2017 out of love for the game. The founders, my brother Dimitar and I have decided to extend our competency to crafting handmade wood bats. At first the venture was not intended to be a business but rather a way to make baseball bats for the needs of our team, the Sofia Blues.
We needed a comfortable, practical and durable bat that feels like a natural extension of your arm, when you’re out on the field. We focused on very few models, but we spent a great deal of time perfecting each one.

The name E7 is a legacy from our father, Emil Nassapov, who was one of the first people in Bulgaria to ever pick up a baseball bat, who later contributed greatly to the popularisation and adoption of the game in Bulgaria.
In 1990 he founded the baseball team Sofia Blues, where both of us are still playing today. He had the habit of marking or “branding” all of the team’s baseball gear. He used a flathead screwdriver to indent “E” (for Emil) and “7” (his team number) on every piece of equipement.

Alexander Nassapov (on the left), a competitive player for over 30 years, who is still actively playing and coaching the Sofia Blues team. He played for Bulgaria’s National team and Germany’s Dortmund Wanderers.
Dimitar Nassapov (on the right), the younger brother, is a competitive player for over 20 years. He participated in the MLB Academy in 2005 and 2007, and played for, Germany’s Mainz Athletics and Dortmund Wanderers. He is still actively competing with Sofia Blues team and the Bulgarian National team.

Currently, the vast majority of European players have to buy their wooden bats on the US market. This results in considerable shipping and customs costs for a product that can break at any moment.
We wanted to offer to European players a baseball bat made in Europe that is even better than the big US brands with a faster and cheaper shipping time.

We also saw that there was a lack of interest from the big American brands for the European market with only their basics products without customization.
That's why we set up a unique customization service with a wide range of colors so that European baseball players can distinguish themselves and express their personality through their bat.
In short, we want to create unique bats made by and for European baseball players.

It’s simple – for us it’s not just a business. We know and love the game. We work passionately to create a bat that we love to play with. We have direct feedback from our team Sofia Blues, so every model gets thousands of hours of play, before it gets implemented.
For its bats, E7 uses European beech wood, which is one of the most elastic and durable woods on the market, which we source from northern Bulgaria.
To create your future bats, we carefully select the best pieces of wood based on their density, elasticity and durability.

Once the best pieces have been selected, we create each of the bats offered for sale by hand and with care. And finally, to increase the durability and give our bats the POP that we like so much, each one of them are "steel rubbed".